Since we’ve moved to the farm I’ve had to adjust to quite a few things, not the least of which is my quiet time with…
Prison Moments
Some encouragement for you today Genesis 41:9, “Then the chief butler spoke to Pharaoh saying, I remember my faults this day.” No matter where we…
Live for Five
On my last post Pure Delight we talked briefly about Psalm 37:4-5 regarding the conditions for receiving the desires of our heart. I’d like to expand…
Pure Delight
Hallelujah! Sometimes there is no other word to describe the situation you find yourself in than to declare Hallelujah! But, just what does Hallelujah mean?…
The Gift I Didn’t Know I Wanted
Periodically, I offer my house up to the Lord saying send who You will. Shortly after doing so in the fall of 2012, unexpected guests…
Tidbits from the Burb-Stead
The last couple of weeks have been positively psychedelic around here cuz I have been trippin! No, I’ve not branched out into the dark side…
Shifting Sand
Do you ever feel like you are standing on shifting sand? Is your life filled with a niggling sense of uncertainty? Are you reluctant to…