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barred windowSome encouragement for you today

Genesis 41:9, “Then the chief butler spoke to Pharaoh saying, I remember my faults this day.

No matter where we are – in the dimness of a cell where we can’t see beyond our circumstances or feeling forgotten in some corner God sees us and in due season will bring it to light. Joseph* did things right, he was obedient, truthful and honoring to God yet he went to prison anyway, falsely accused. He found himself in a not so pleasant place for a long time.

penquin baby

Remember, when we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty, when He covers us with His wing, we can’t always see but we can trust.

big lock n keyMatthew 10:26 says there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

If God is hiding you now, rest assured He will bring you to light in due season.

Joseph’s success story did not happen overnight – rather it was a long process of character building patience and trust.

He had to wait and wait some more.

Remember, waiting twists us together with the Father.

father child The kings of this world may forget their faults but the King of Kings never forgets His children.

open door jail

He will bring you into the place He has promised.

He will open the door to freedom.

Rest assured beloved!

Take heart child of the King!

He is coming and will see you restored!

Even now God is unveiling truth about well known people, leaders in positions of high places. It is time to bring down that which is false and establish justice.  God is bringing His order into places which will cause the release of people who have been hidden in a place of preparation, like Joseph.

big rock steps

So when the time is right they receive the call of their Father to step into their destiny, to rise up, assume the position they were created for and shine for His glory! Are you allowing  yourself to be developed for your new position? The King is coming and we must be ready!  Our lamps will dim if we do not attend to the oil, the flame and the wick.





Where is your oil? Are you submitting areas of your life to God to allow for His correction?  Are you allowing Him to purify your heart? Are you complaining in self-pity or trusting in faith?

Are you fanning the flame of His presence inside you?  Are you feeding the fire by staying in His Word? Do you worship and pray regularly?

Are you allowing for the burnt places to be trimmed away? An untrimmed wick causes smoke instead of a pure flame. Are you letting go of the smoky places in your life? What are you listening to, looking at or saying? Does it reflect the Holy Spirit?

For behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for Yah, the Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation! Isaiah 12:2

Let us continue to pray for the truth to be exposed and to stand for righteousness and justice in love.

*For more on the story of Joseph read Genesis 37, 39-50