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Sometimes we just need a simple reminder of the power of faith.  Hebrews 11 sums it up for us. Take a few minutes to read verses 1-32; we’ll look specifically at verses 33-34 so get your highlighter ready for these powerhouse words!

It is by FAITH:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKingdoms were subdued. Faith helps us conquer the kingdoms of the world so we no longer focus on man’s goals but rather keep pursuing God. It is faith which causes us to cease building our own kingdom in order to  build His.


By FAITH David, Samuel and the other prophets worked righteousness. Righteousness only comes through Christ; it is by faith we give our life to Him, it is by faith we walk with Him, it is by faith we are able to work righteousness in our lives.

By FAITH promises were obtained. Because the patriarchs waited on the promise, believing in faith God would do what He promised, they received their inheritance.

lion faceBy FAITH the mouths of lions were shut.  It is faith which seals shut the mouth of fear, the roar of discouragement and the threat of doubt.

In Daniel’s case it was literal (see Daniel 6).

Take a moment and turn to 1 Peter 5:8. Highlight this verse, heed the instructions. Take this threat seriously. Be vigilant at watching and examining yourself.

fire-12By FAITH the violence of fire was quenched – not only is Holy Spirit in the fire with us, He protects us from being consumed! (See Daniel 3)

Like tempered steel we must submit to the fire of His presence.

3 swordsBy FAITH people escaped the edge of the sword.

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

The sword of the Spirit should be our weapon of choice.

Faith enables us to wield the sword of the Spirit with speed and accuracy.

weightlifter strengthBy FAITH, we are made strong.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

They go hand in hand – faith in the Word makes us strong and helps us to remember who we are.


By FAITH we become valiant in battle. Valiant: possessing or showing courage or determination.

The struggle against our flesh is real. We must be of good courage (Joshua 1:9) so our flesh can be replaced by the Spirit.

Faith grows during the sanctification process, submit yourselves unto the Lord and He will perfect your faith.


By FAITH we can turn and fight the enemy. Often our first response is to avoid or run from an attack; instead we are to

booted army feetstand our ground where the LORD told us to stand.

Too often in the church we are constantly defending without ever advancing.

Faith and fear are both substance in the spiritual realm.

A substance is something you can grab a hold of;

something you can possess.

Where are you standing?

On the side of faith?

Or fear?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

~ Hebrews 11:1