Greetings from Glen Haven! Since I’ve been lax in posting over the summer I would like to bring you current on the latest events. We’ve grown…
A Not So Miserable Failure
I have a confession to make. I failed. And I failed big. It might even be classified as a miserable failure, but doesn’t that become…
A Grandmothers Legacy – TURN THOU ME
I have a special guest writer today – my great grandmother, Anna Reinhart. Anna was a Bible teacher who traveled through the south until…
Missing the Mark
It’s Throwback Thursday for sure (#tbt) as the post below was originally written in 2010 but I needed to remind myself today the value of…
B Comes Before D
Since we’ve moved to the farm I’ve had to adjust to quite a few things, not the least of which is my quiet time with…
Are You Good with Names? because the chickens are here!
We now have a flock! Does that make us legit farmers or what? Every morning when I hear that cock-a-doodle-do I feel pretty legit! Chickens…
Welcome Home
Welcome Home! It’s how I felt as we drove up the drive to our new farm. It was if the arms of the land reached…
Prison Moments
Some encouragement for you today Genesis 41:9, “Then the chief butler spoke to Pharaoh saying, I remember my faults this day.” No matter where we…
Live for Five
On my last post Pure Delight we talked briefly about Psalm 37:4-5 regarding the conditions for receiving the desires of our heart. I’d like to expand…