Not too long ago a new dog showed up at our farm. It is not unusual for people to ‘dump’ their dogs especially in the country. Our Rhodesian hound Talli and my grand-dog Buck were both dumps. My Ruwa was a kicked to the curb gal back in Houston. You can read her story here.
Sarge was skinny, covered in fleas and ticks with horrible red skin and missing patches of hair. After no response to our social media posts He was wormed, vaccinated, treated for fleas and put on the gain weight plan. Soon, he began to show off his herding skills and worm his way into our hearts. He got extra treats like fresh milk and eggs expressing his gratitude with good behavior.
About a month in, Sarge disappeared one Friday night. Not worried at first, even though it was a cold night, I called him regularly from the back porch. By Saturday afternoon we were out searching to no avail. Did coyotes get him? Was he hit by a car? I turned to the One who has all the answers praying for Sarge’s safe return. Sunday morning, still no Sarge. Searching en route to church my prayers continued. What was God’s message to me in this? I knew He was trying to tell me something.
As I pulled up to the house after church I screeched with delight when Sarge came running around the corner with the other dogs! “SARGE!! You’re home!!” He immediately clambered half in the car pinning me in my seat for pets and ear rubs. What joy for both of us!
Oh God, how faithful and loving You are to answer my dog prayer! Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:12-13 that God will leave the 99 to go after the one sheep who has gone astray and great will be his joy at the reunion.
God’s love is relentless in pursuit of a relationship with us. Twenty years ago I surrendered to His love and have never regretted my choice.
Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”
His love for us NEVER ends.
And He is faithful to remind us of His love like when He brought Sarge home.
His love is just because – that’s who He is.
Sarge was a lost puppy and we took him in. God does the same with us. We’re lost, wearing the scars of life and He makes us a member of the family.
Our choice.*
Even when we go astray He pursues us to bring us safely back.
What about you? Are you a lost sheep?
Have you gone astray? Do you realize how much God loves you?
*Would you like to choose Christ today?
Click here to find out about Jesus and here on how to start a relationship with God.
You won’t regret it.