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Creak, squeak aaaarrrggghh, ummph – do you ever find yourself making  those noises when you move in a particular way? Sitting criss cross applesauce does not seem much of an option for me anymore… what happened, y’all? On the inside I still feel like a young person…until I look in the mirror… then, I am appalled! I hardly recognize myself  in the midst of all those wrinkles and bags!


Time certainly marches on. We’ve hit some big milestones over the last year – my awesome great-nephew is in the double digits (I’m not sure how because he was just a toddler the other day), I hit the double nickel (55 and still alive is always good) and then my daughter got married.

God has a way through all of these changes of bringing us full circle. Sometimes we are glad to see a season go because of the pain or loss associated with it yet if we look back with proper perspective we see God’s faithfulness! As for the days ahead, they can be scary too because we don’t know what’s around the corner but putting our trust in Him is the way to walk.

Speaking of trust . . .The Lord has impressed upon me to return to my writing. I on the other hand have been procrastinating and pretending otherwise.  I fully confess the error of my ways here, in blog land. I was making excuses about too many other responsibilities,  not feeling inspired or knowing what to write and a fear of not being able to follow through …. so He lovingly has put me in a position where those excuses are no longer viable.


I sit here now before you, repentant and humbled, because I have broken my pinkie toe. Yes, that broken little pinkie toe has put me in my place. That little broken toe prevents me from wearing my muck boots and believe me, other shoes just don’t work on the farm.  I’ve slid off of my flip flops, muddied my crocs and experienced great fear and trepidation wading through a mosh pit of goats determined to get to the feed bucket in my hand.

I give.

Raise the white flag.


I surrender.

Time does march on and if I am not careful I could totally miss out on the fulfillment writing brings me and the blessing of encouraging others. I don’t want to see disobedience in my reflection but rather wear the marks of the seasons with grace and strength.

The Lord has brought me full circle, back to my writing, in a broken toe sort of way – to remind me of His love and to draw me into a greater place of intimacy with HIM.

It’s time for a fresh start y’all.


There’s more milestones ahead and we can’t let fear hold us back. I had grown complacent and too comfortable in pursuing my to-do list instead of pursuing God.

Create in me O God, clean hands and a pure heart

that I may walk again with You in the quiet of the evening

and rise early to pray. 

It’s time for a fresh start y’all.


Do you need a fresh start?

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~ Lamentations 3:22-23