The last couple of weeks have been positively psychedelic around here cuz I have been trippin! No, I’ve not branched out into the dark side…
A Fresh Start
Here at Release Ministries we’re all about a fresh start – not that’s it’s an original idea of course because God invented it! You see, when we…
Mix It Up!
I love prepared mixes…mmmm, pancakes dripping with syrup, muffins bursting with blueberries, oooey gooey chocolaty brownies, …mmmm [oops, pardon me I digress!] however, I don’t love
Shifting Sand
Do you ever feel like you are standing on shifting sand? Is your life filled with a niggling sense of uncertainty? Are you reluctant to…
Squeezing Nickels or 10 Ways I Save Money
I love how there are so many ideas for squeezing more value from our nickels. Since sharing is caring here are a few of mine.…
An Invitation
Today I received a very special invitation. It did not come wrapped in vellum, engraved or addressed in calligraphy. But rather in a gentle whisper while still…
The Jury Room
As I sat in a jury room recently, it got me thinking about when I die. While I always knew it was inevitable, I never really…
My (sub) Burb – Stead
In case you haven’t noticed, I like to make up words. My sister always said I was weird marched to the beat of a different…
Life Interrupted Finale
There are occasions when life as we know it is interrupted. It is unexpected and often very challenging. But it is always an opportunity to…
Life Interrupted Part 3
In 2012 my life was interrupted for 3 weeks when I deployed with Christ in Action in response to the destruction of Hurricane Sandy in New…