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kilted drummers

In case you haven’t noticed, I like to make up words. My sister always said I was weird marched to the beat of a different drummer. I’m glad SHE figured out what my problem is!

 I have lived in the suburbs all my life, so even though I think I want to live in the country I don’t know if I could really hack it as a single mom! With that being said, welcome to my burb-stead!  To me,  homesteading is getting back to the basics, simplifying life and stewarding the gifts God has given us. As my faith grew and my cash lessened (in direct conjunction with one another, I might add) I discovered how pleasurable it is to live this way.

clothesline and pins

Homesteading is a mind-set, a way of life. It’s not about acreage or how many animals  you have – it’s about discovering the therapeutic benefits of getting your hands dirty in the garden and watching things grow from seeds. It’s about cooking from scratch with real food instead of processed junk as your skin clears up and fatigue abates as a result.  It’s mason jars and masking tape, clothes lines, quilts and homemade cleaners, Bible stories and turning off the TV.

It’s life and it. is. good!

Life at my house involves composting, upcycling and making do with whatcha got instead of running out to buy something you don’t need with money you don’t have.  So, you’ll see stuff like that here – how I make curtains from jeans or whiteboards from plexiglass or garden stakes with palm fronds. It’s about asking God to help you figure out how, learning to wait and giving thanks all the time.

harvest blackberries, potatotes, cukes

Burb-steading means working hard, doing things differently with a taste of satisfaction as you tilt up the glass of raw milk and mmmm. mmmmm, munch on delicious blackberries from your back yard. I sell pickles to fund my raw milk habit and I trade fresh okra for deer meat. That’s me. So, don’t mind the kids, push the dog off the couch and grab  your Bible and we’ll talk about how I found my Best Friend in the book of Genesis!

I was a rebel without a cause until I fell in love with Jesus!

So blame Him . . . for now I have a cause and I will not conform to the standards of this world (see Romans 12:2).

“For it is certain we  have brought nothing into this world and can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. ~ 1Timothy 6:7-8

Shared on Simple Lives Thursday #211