It’s Throwback Thursday for sure (#tbt) as the post below was originally written in 2010 but I needed to remind myself today the value of the words. I did something yesterday where I missed the mark although God in His faithfulness got me back on track this morning. It is important for us to be submitted to Him in humility, to listen when He corrects us or we can find ourselves way off track, far from where we want to be. I repented for my blunder and He gracefully encouraged me with Isaiah 33:2 O Lord be gracious to us; we have waited for You. Be their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.
I hope you enjoy the anecdote!
Missing the Mark
Yesterday I agreed to pierce my daughter’s ear cartilage. It was not something I had experience with but after watching & reading the directions felt it was within the confines of my ability to perform it reasonably well. We set out with all the right equipment: sterile needle, alcohol, potato and even a pen to mark the right spot. We smiled at each other; I took careful aim and wham! It was over. There was blood but most of all there was surprise on the face of my daughter when she asked why I had put the hole so low. I pointed to the mark on her ear and she said, “No Mom, that’s a freckle.” Yikes! I missed the mark! I had hit the wrong spot – the real mark was much higher.
Sometimes, no matter how prepared we are no matter how careful our aim is – we miss the mark. We hit low when we should have reached higher. If that’s you today and you are experiencing regrets or reminders of past failures, don’t listen to the voice of condemnation but know that God transforms us by the renewing of our minds. He knows we’re going to miss the mark – that’s why He sent His son to die for us – so that through Christ & His strength we can do all things.
Thankfully, my daughter was forgiving and laughed at my missing the mark. We decided to pray first before trying again. This time, relying on Him, I hit the right place, there was very little blood and my daughter was happy with her new earring. The Bible says that Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. Won’t you let Him pierce your ear today with His voice of love and compassion? Yes, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us but first, we must lift up our voice to Him and ask for His help. Open your ears and listen for His voice. He is with us, to help us hit the right mark.
Pray this prayer with me: Lord, I missed the mark yesterday and I am sorry. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I want to walk Your way, according to Your will! Please open my ears to hear Your voice behind me saying, “This is the way walk ye in it.” In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Walk on my brethren, today is a new day, we get a fresh start with Jesus every day because His mercies are new every day and available to us. Do not let your heart be hardened but walk in truth and obedience.
Remember, HE is our source – it is His grace which empowers us!