Several years ago, during a period of transition, I sought the Lord regarding His purpose for my life. I was feeling bereft and uncertain because what I expected to happen did not happen.
Ever been there?
umm hmmm – so what do I do now?
As I waited (not ultra patiently, I might add) He began to show me a place where young people could gather (for a few hours or a few months) to worship, be recharged in Christ and grow in relationship with the Lord and others. It would involve relocation, faith and preparation. Little did I know the preparation would take 5+ years, running a gamut of emotions from despair and betrayal to hope and joy.
I learned a great deal in those years, both about myself and the Lord as I ‘waited’ on Him. He grew the dream a piece at a time – giving assignments to teach obedience (both the cost and the reward) in the process of building my faith. There were tests of self-reliance and dependence, stretching me to look beyond my circumstances all while growing more intimate with Him. I began to recognize His voice more easily and respond more readily.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
Am I glad I am on the backside of it?
But I am also, oh so grateful!
We did relocate (300 miles away) moving by faith to a place where we knew not a soul, leaving family and friends to follow the call of our King. The dream became a reality, took on a life of its own and we now live it out each day here at the Grove. We even got the t-shirt!
So, let me encourage you to stay steady and persevere because dreams do come true and God’s plan is even better than we could imagine. Don’t expect to be an overnight sensation. The preparation is intense and thorough – God never does anything halfway.
Jeremiah speaks of the Lord as Jehovah Gamolah – the God of Recompense. His recompense returns what the enemy has stolen multi-fold. It is up to us to believe and walk in obedience without losing the faith. It is up to us to be available, throwing aside the hindrances of the world and following Him in faith.
It. is. worth. it.