As I was perusing through Ezekiel during my quiet time I was drawn to chapter 33:14, “Again when I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die, if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right … ” I realized with a fresh awareness of the LOVE God has for each of us.
In the Old Testament, God exhibited His love by sending prophet after prophet to pull His children back from the brink of disaster; sometimes they listened but most of the time they were so caught up in doing what they wanted to do instead of what they should do. Often they didn’t see how trapped they were in a mess of their own making.
I have great experience with this . . .
He was patient, told story after story, gave sign after sign, often waiting decades for people to get the message; sending many warnings yet they wouldn’t listen. He only wanted them to have the best life possible.
I am familiar with not wanting to listen, too.
It’s a simple deal, really. We all make mistakes and do dumb things (some are dumber than others) but it’s never too late, no matter what we’ve done, to turn and walk a different way. Jesus is just waiting for us to call Him so He can pour out His grace on us.
See, Jesus died for us – He gave His life so we could hang out with God both now and for eternity – through Him! Giving our life to Jesus is not just about eternity, it’s about having a more peaceful, fulfilling life here and now. If you’re anything like me, you tried to find contentment in a myriad of ways: drugs, alcohol, poor relationships or material possessions and none of it mattered. None of those things can take away the pain or bring peace and contentment like Jesus can.
We don’t deserve it – He did it anyway – that’s love.
Do you need some Jesus in your life? Do you need a fresh start?
Then make a decision to talk to Him right now.
Say something like this: “Jesus I have messed up and I am done with that type of life! Will you forgive me and help me walk a different way, Your way? Thank you for dying on the cross for me – I give my life to you Jesus! Amen!
That’s it.
Now, round up a Bible and start reading the book of John. It’s in the New Testament, 4th book and see the love God has for you! And when you get to Chapter 14:6 underline or highlight this verse:
“For I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Just so you know – He is the WAY to truth and life, the only way –
and if I had not given my life to Jesus I would probably be dead now….
Just do it! You won’t regret it!